Censoring nicknames

  • Oceansoul
    16 years ago

    No problem with the person but, should nick's like " XxlittleXcutterxX"really be allowed, certainly when children use names like that , it's just not appropriate for a poetry site ,is it ?
    ok.I know that having a nick like "terminal choice "isn't supporting my case...., but that I changed, it just doesn't seem to show

  • Noir
    16 years ago

    Children... please now we're really going overboard... I think profanities as a nicknames... are a big No No

    However I think the name "lil cutter" isn't offending anyone, I think it signifies how that particular person is feeling, how they perceive their individuality...

    We mustn't look down on that...

  • Oceansoul
    16 years ago

    Well, nicknames are for me just the same as avatars , so as stated by a mod :

    "15. Avatars must be appropriate, the owner of the site has stated he doesn't want any nudity, profanity, or self harm avatars displayed. Violators will be sent a message via the pm system to remove or change the offensive material, the time limit will be a week, unless it is so offensive it shocks the conscious of society you will be given 24 hours notice, if it isn't removed your account will be."

    no self harm in pics, so no self harm in the name .

  • Noir
    16 years ago

    There is a big difference between avatars and a name/nickname you have for yourself....

    Profanities are ofcourse prohibited, however we mustn't look down at those who potray their names according to what they do to themselves... Its their own life and like sluvious stated all we can do is to try and help them help themselves...

  • Oceansoul
    16 years ago


  • Oceansoul
    16 years ago

    Your profile lacks decency , so I doubt that you know the meaning of the word,

    anyway, I've said and suggested what I wanted to , so discussion for me is closed

  • Noir
    16 years ago

    Lol... Its funny you speak about decency terminal or is it now ocean soul... I forget...

    Decent people do not look down on others... you really need some etiquette classes...lol

  • Wasted Fake Smiles
    16 years ago

    Geez. that attack was uncalled for..=[

    but i dont see what difference a name means. do youreally think children on here are not aware people on here cut? go to the depression forum..do u see a cutting post. hmmm. and can't children easily look at that? well...whats the difference?

    this is a place to express how we feel. names included. as noir said, oh course no profanity..but i see nothing wrong with the name little cutter. and she is a very nice person and you shouldnt have used her as an example. did u even ask her if u could use her?

  • Noir
    16 years ago

    Don't worry britt, none of us are rude, rather commenting at why oceansoul attacked IRJORDAN's individuality...

    which begs the question: Who are we to say whether someone's name/nicknames isn't decent...

  • Wasted Fake Smiles
    16 years ago

    I like ur new pic britt
    at least i think its new?

    its pretty tho =]

  • IdTakeABulletForYou
    16 years ago

    Parents who don't block out websites with the stringent manners in which are provided with the modern day internet are putting their children at risk; it's free speech (as well as the right to censorship, which is somehow contradictory) but think again about the fact that this website is sort of lacking an [adequate(sp?)] owner, and censorship is the least of our worries.

  • Moose
    16 years ago

    I believe you have a right to express yourself, but these people with the names like "ICUTmYselF4U" and "DowNDaRoAdNotAcroSthaStreeet" are not only seeking attention, but are drawing everything back towards the self-harm part of poetry. Yes I went through a speil also of writing poetry about self-harm, but not anymore. It seems that this poetry site has 50% of its poetry relating to self-harm and mutilation.

    The names are getting a bit extreme, yes it is limiting your individuality a LITTLE, but I think there should be a line, and needs to be enforced as the avatars have been.

  • Moose
    16 years ago

    ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ part of what im talking about

    im not quite sure what the new member number is at, or whether or not someone has made that as a "joke" but it is attention-whores like this that make the poetry a genre of depression rather than only a part of poetry.

    like i said, the sad/depressed area of poetry is filled, yet happiness/fun/nature, true art of poetry, is at a sacrifice because this is all we ever read.

  • PnQ Mod Account
    16 years ago

    The above mentioned member had been sent a warning about their profile pic... which is clearly against the rules.

    We need to decide on and clarify a more concise rule about names, though, before we can ask people to change them.

    Since there is a "no profanity" rule already in place for the site, we can ask those people to change their name.

  • Moose
    16 years ago

    I just think that the hammer needs to be brought down. Its just too much to see these names and avatars almost all the time. It draws away from the real reason this site is here. This site might as well be a self help / discussion on cutting/suicide/depression rather than a poetry sight, because that's the majority of what I tend to see.

  • silvershoes
    16 years ago

    Nicknames like your example aren't tasteful by all means, but why should there be an uncensored section for dark poems about depression, suicide, death, etc.--and names like "XxlittleXcutterxX" considered inappropriate? Bit of a contradiction. Nicknames should follow the same rules as poetry. And they do, so that's good.

  • Moose
    16 years ago

    If the avatars are not allowed to show self-harm, then why allow nicknames that portray the same thing?

  • silvershoes
    16 years ago

    I think images are a bit more graphic than one or two words combined to make a name.

  • Noir
    16 years ago

    I think a picture can do much more damage than mere words, and besides, I am a firm believer in freedom of speech and expression, and anyone who wishes to express themselves without the use of vulgar words, is alright in my books...

    We mustn't shy away from taboo's endemic in today's society... I think we need to understand it rather than ostracise it as something that offends our conservatism...

  • Moose
    16 years ago

    Yes I also believe a picture can do more damage, but its not so much about repremanding someone's freedom of speech, but protecting those who are much younger and unaware of some of todays problems. Its not things children of 12 and below need to be associating themselves with.

  • Sherry Lynn
    16 years ago

    It is being looked into and worked on as we speak, or in this case type.

    There have been many changes around here and there are more to come.

    The nicknames will also have new regulations in the near future.

  • silvershoes
    16 years ago

    If you are old enough to write poetry and read poems about cutting, you are old enough to read a short one to two word name about cutting. No?

  • Sherry Lynn
    16 years ago


    Not all those who log on are old enough to read or understand anything about cutting.

    My nine year old daughter will read through the poetry on here at times with me. Does she understand cutting? No she does not. Do I feel like she is old enough or mature enough for me to explain it to her? No, not yet.

    These are questions that we must all ask ourselves as we impliment any changes on the site. Ask yourself honestly about the innocent children.

    All my daughter knows about hurting herself is that it hurts. She is still young and innocent. Frankly, I do not need anything forcing her or any other child to grow up faster than what our society is already making them.

    You all say that parents should monitor what their child reads on the internet... well, I am. As a mother and as a moderator.

    And I want to thank Janis and the other members who look out for the younger poeple and work to keep this site as family oriented as we can.


  • Moose
    16 years ago

    ^^^ Glad to hear someone is =) and that our efforts are not in vain.

    THere's a perfect example. Also, I began looking at poetry sites when I was about 11, I started writing when I was 12, and I joined the site when I was 12. Granted I have a little bit of a better grasp on the world at this point than the average nine year old, (no offense im sure your daughter is brilliant =) ) but its still not something I should be exposed to in such an overly dramatic way.

  • silvershoes
    16 years ago

    K, but if this site is sooooooooooo family friendly, why are dark or explicit poems allowed AT ALL? Come on now.

  • Moose
    16 years ago

    There is a warning before the explicit section. Try going there right now. It pretty much says "If you think you can handle everything in here go ahead and read, if not please navigate away"

    The names can be seen EVERYWHERE. In the forums, on random quotes, on random poems. Its just not fair for those who are looking out for their children or even younger siblings, and then when they innocently are looking around the site, this is thrust upon them.

    (Lol yes I know the sandwhich has become quite old. I've been trying to resize my car picture to put on here.)

  • Brigitte
    16 years ago

    I kind of wish we didn't have the option to change our names at all....It gets so confusing remembering who people are when they keep changing their name every other day.... Can't it just be that they pick one name at the beginning (one that's no morbid)...It would be sooooo much easier to remember people on here.

  • TwistedAngel xx
    16 years ago

    I think that people shouldn't have to have specific names because they are simply stating what they are feeling at the time.
    Plus wouldn't it be an ongoing thing? you'd have to check names everyday coz a lot of people change their names frequently. Plus there is a lot of sad/depressing/suicidal names.

    I think everything about this site is fine how it is.
    I like changing my name but have only changed it like twice, all I am saying is it would take a long time maybe?
    I am not sure how it works but thats what I am thinking.

    Also theres always going to be bad stuff in the world and it shouldnt have to be removed or stifled. If you dont want your kids knowing certain things monitor what they look at.
    I dont mean to offend anyone thats just my thoughts.

  • Italian Stallion
    16 years ago

    Ok, I just wanted to put this out there since this is such a big debate with you all.

    I am personaly working on something as we speak. What it is, I won't tell you, but it is in the works, and all that you guys are talking about will be fixed. Be paitent, and understanding and things will start coming your way shortly.

  • Sherry Lynn
    16 years ago


    There are many kids that sneak on this site at school or access us through the librabry. Parents cannot monitor their children 24 hours a day 7 days a week.

    Also, henceforth the term moderators... we are here to monitor what takes place and to also help monitor what everyone's child is exposed too while visiting us.

    You say that if you do not want your child exposed then to monitor them... Well, I monitor my children; yet, they always seem to find a way and access certain sites from other places.


  • Oceansoul
    16 years ago

    Good to hear that something is done about it :)

  • Noir
    16 years ago

    So basically our freedom to actually express ourselves in our name, contraversial or otherwise is to be taken as well...All because children roam these hallowed post discussions...

    Cmon be serious, are you telling me that children will instantly harm themselves when they see "Icutmyself"...

    I think that's funny firstly for assuming that children under 10, come here to the discussion board and secondly for assuming that preadolesents have no actual form of self control...

  • Sherry Lynn
    16 years ago

    This is what we were told.

    "All the people speak about "free speech" when it comes to censoring something. Please let them know that they are incorrectly interpreting the term. Free speech does not mean that "New Yourk Times" has to publish every crap you've sent them. Any media (and website is a media) can set up the rules and standards for the material they publish."

    From the man himself. Thank you all.


  • TwistedAngel xx
    16 years ago

    But if there are kids sneaking onto it or whatever they should be prepared for what they could face
    eg explicit poems and obscene screen names
    we shouldnt have to be forced to have certain names due to that.
    Its just expressing how we feel thats what the poetry is all about
    if we stifle it we are not expressing our true selves
    but i am excited to see this change the Italian stallion is taking about. then it will be finished.

  • Oceansoul
    16 years ago

    True, the discussion here is closed imo, everybody has had his /her say , even as it seems the most important one from the site's owner,and I am sure he and the mods will find a good solution between the freedom of speech and what is not allowed