
  • JAY Poet
    14 years ago

    I think the best love poetry written is from the people who went through what they are writting about......do you feel the same its like i can feel the love or the pain

  • Ben
    14 years ago

    Not always, but it does add to the emotions behind every word and line you read. In my opinion that can make the best poems and songs, but I have also heard some great ones from people who haven't gone through such things.

    Translation of these ramblings: Not all good poems come from experience, but most (if not all) come from your heart and soul.

  • Pink Butterfly
    14 years ago

    Sometimes, a great poem can also be produced from empathy!!! By simply entering someone's feeling and putting yourself on the position of others!

  • Martha
    14 years ago

    Yea your right,.. but my problem is I can't express it strongly even though I went through about writing it :D I wish I could though

  • LenaLee
    14 years ago

    Yes and no. :)

    My poems show who I am most of the time.

    But there are times when I write things that have absolutely no relation to me.

    I guess it all depends on the writer's mood.

  • Baby Rainbow
    14 years ago

    It's a hard question because I think you do have to go through he emotion to write about it.... however I do think you can write a good poem about something by what you think inside and feel inside about it. xxx

  • Kuro
    14 years ago

    This not necessarily true. one does not need to have been in military service to write a patriotic poem. they may not have been personally involved or experienced, but they still are effected by their emotions.

    what about dark or fantasy poetry? im pretty sure people have not physically seen or experienced such scenery, yet are the words not still beautiful or moving?

    what of suicidal poetry? obviously the person is not dead if they posted a poem, but do the words not tug at your heart-strings?

    not all poetry needs to be personally experienced, however, the realism and reality of the writers feelings and subject matter can be (most of the time) more easily identified with if it is based off of personal experience.

  • Mello193
    14 years ago

    I agree