Got a cool idea but need some help.

  • Jeremy S Farley
    12 years ago

    I had an idea. I love writing horror poetry but its so hard to come up with original ideas. Then I was thinking, what is the scariest things Ican think of? Nightmares! I would like for people to tell me their scariest, most disturbing dreams in as much detail as possible so I can write about them. Please include emotions as well as imagery. Thanks alot to anyone who wishes to participate. Even better write them yourself and let me read them.

  • sibyllene
    12 years ago

    I'm not much of a horror writer, but I wrote this out after a particularly disturbing nightmare I had. It helped me kind of dissipate my lingering discomfort over it. The scariest thing about the nightmare was myself: my own fear and my own desire for violence and destruction. It was worse than the actual "monster."

  • Emmanuel Pineda
    12 years ago

    Coincidentally, A lot of my poems are horror poems, and have been inspired my nightmares. I find that searching what truly scares people generates the best horror poems. Even basic phobias can really be transformed into something horrifying.

  • Ole Carsten
    12 years ago

    Hi poet and horror, is that a combination?
    you might be right

    The worst horror for me madness, like Hamlet, slowly getting worse and worse.

    another e.g. is horror in relationship, first smooth and happy, the controlling, demanding, acousing, spying, recording, and snooping etc.

    not sure if I would make poem about that, but broken loves is there of corse

  • SkYler BabIe for EvEr andAlways
    12 years ago
