
  • Marcy Lewis
    10 years ago

    I have this new thing where I'm literally exhausted the moment I wake up, tired all day, and exhausted until I go to bed. It's relatively new. I used to be a morning person, and up as soon as my eyes registered sunlight, and smiley, and cooking.

    I had three 12 oz coffee drinks yesterday. The only thing they did was make me shake. Didn't wake me up at all, which makes me think that maybe it's mental exhaustion, and I'm not physically tired at all.

    I think this could be a new depression symptom, and that's the only thing I can come up with. I mean emotionally, I feel pretty decent, but I know there are physical symptoms. Anyone have this?

  • xXxMidnight SoulxXx
    10 years ago

    I had this actually i had depression of the mind freaking annoying too i was tired and the thing is it was that i was trapt and my mind was telling me this in some insane and really bratty way of it but what makes sense is have fun with friends or do something to make yourself really happy poetry stories ANYTHING it should help or maybe it's something physiological

  • Dark Secrets
    10 years ago

    I don't know about depression, but there are other things that cause this. One could be change of sleep routine, or stress, or change in diet, even your showering routine could also be a cause. Look at the changes in your life, list them and try thinking about what change happened at the time when this feeling started.

  • Marcy Lewis
    10 years ago

    Actually, it started in January - when I was toward the end of my recovery from anorexia. I don't see how a positive change in diet can make me tired.

  • Jenni Marie
    10 years ago

    Did you make sure to include a liberal amount of iron in your diet? Lack of iron can create severe fatigue.

  • sibyllene
    10 years ago

    You might want to make a doctor's appointment and tell them your symptoms. I had a friend who had mono back when we were in high school and she was just constantly fatigued for -months-. Might as well cross that off the list?