Cringeworthy pieces of poetry!

  • Poet on the Piano
    5 years ago

    Since Rania started a forum about how we all joined PnQ and our start on here... I thought I'd further that by asking what is some old poetry you have found that has made you cringe or laugh out loud or just groan?

    I was cleaning my closet and found a notepad from last year with this:

    "You fed me lust with your
    sausage-like fingers and
    bulging eyes."

    ^ I don't know, the "sausage-like fingers" part made me laugh HARD. Maybe I'm just being silly.

    So share, if you dare ;)

  • Aegis
    5 years ago

    So I've got a few friends that freestyle and rap. Ive always been envious of them for their ability to think of things off the top of their heads. Here's my first attempt at a rap that has been sitting in my Saved Drafts section for about 5 or 6 years haha

    They say home is where the heart is,
    So I'm guessing that I'm homeless.
    And they told me you were heartless,
    But I guess I didn't notice.
    Oh shit. I'm not focused.
    Feel explosive when this poet's notions lose their potence.
    Hopeless; I know this.
    That's why the closest to closed fists
    we aim at our noses,
    are rocks of cocaine and highs made of roses.

  • Maple Tree
    5 years ago

    I cant say I have any cringe poems, but I giggle at the cheesy poems I write for my Husband for fun....

    I wrote a poem about dryer lint back in 2005 and that was a challenge that was fun....

  • Mr. Darcy replied to Poet on the Piano
    5 years ago

    Ok. I was 17 and in my girlfriend's Valentines card, I wrote:

    Roses are red
    Squirrels are randy
    I love you
    My darling, Angie

    Some might say it was downhill from here. Lol

  • Ben Pickard replied to Mr. Darcy
    5 years ago

    I've written too many poems I regard as cringe-worthy (most when I was a fair bit younger) but I can't share the mirth of them with you good people because they have, one way or another, been entirely erased from history (deleted or scrunched up and thrown in a paper bin).

  • Em (marmite) replied to Mr. Darcy
    5 years ago

    I've just giggled at that !!

  • ddavidd
    5 years ago

    I do not know if this count:
    fly with a fly
    to live with
    what you leave behind.

  • CJ Maleney
    5 years ago

    I've loads. Mostly from my younger days.

    I'll post do at some point so you can all have a laugh at my expense.


  • CJ Maleney replied to Mr. Darcy
    5 years ago

    See I like this lol.


  • CJ Maleney
    5 years ago, updated 5 years ago

    A bunch of us re wrote this at school

    Mary had a little lamb she thought it was so silly
    The threw it up into the air and caught it by its

    Willy was a watch dog laying in the grass along came a bumble Bee and stung him on the

    Ask no questions tell no lies I seen a copper pulling up his

    Flies are buggers wasps are worse and this is the end of our little verse.

    I made the mistake of telling my daughter this, which she dully recited back to one of her teachers.

    That moment waiting at the school gates, when a teacher beckons you with just one finger ;-/