a little sun to brighten the day

  • don mohr
    19 years ago

    not to add suspiscion to conpiracy, but ive read some
    very talented writers in here. i hope you all make
    that dream a reality-wether it be strengthening your
    confidence to reach maturity or a higher learning-
    or make butt loads of cash for being true and real.
    this is truly a community of well deserved patrons to
    the art of humanity, and hope all great things become
    of each and everyone of you. dont underestimate the
    higher power-it indeed is watching over us-and loves
    to read what you have to say.

  • Sarah
    19 years ago

    Don, may I just say that is the most beautiful thing I've read all day!! You take the cake w/ this thread...hope all read it and get the same fuzzy feeling inside I did...may all your hopes and dreams come true as well my friend!!

  • jennifer
    19 years ago

    awww don, that is really sweet hope you achieve all your goals as well

  • Natalie84
    19 years ago

    Well, I'm really surprised, people just don't do this. I mean it's nice and people should, but normally it doesn't happen. I love people like you don! I wish you all the same!! And just for that I'm going to read your poems...have a great day!!....Take Care