Comments : FAKE

  • 15 years ago

    by waiting 4 some1

    From all what i have read already i can tell that you suffere EXACTLY from the same thing that i suffer from and you loved that person just i love mine.

    for me, there are only two times i was very serious on break my friendship with my best friend and i never thought of getting him back no matter what he does but anyway we are still best friends and i am proud to call him that although he let me suffer sometimes hehe.
    you know my friend and sister, people like us are very hard to satisfy by people like your friend and mine, we people need more care and deep friendship, we ready to sacrifice ourselve for them but people like them, they care and care for us as friends but not as deep as we would love to, and they sometimes just don't understand how we feel or how we want to be treated.

    it's very very difficult to let me them understand you completly so you have two choices either leave those people and never been hurt or stick with them and try to withstand the fakse actions and try to fix them by time.

    i chose to stick with my best friend because simple he is the best although i was hurt the most from him but what i think is that Allah has put his love inside my heart so i just can't leave him. sorry for this long conversation.

    may Allah bless you.....

  • 15 years ago

    by Dark Secrets

    This is my favourite part:
    With you, I felt I am too old to be young
    But, I am too young to be old
    the good thing with fake friend is that you can take advantage of them as they take advantage of you too... see not everything in it is bad