• 15 years ago

    by Mishka

    Hmm i really really enjoyed reading this.
    at first one may think, very random...
    it's not... it is a story that probably has millions of interpretations.
    "Spank my words
    stocked of moans and doors:
    Just pat my face
    needy of your lovely work"
    This one stood out to me... I imagine, you are being insecure, needy, wanting more from the relationship... and this causes arguements...fights (hence moans and slamming of doors)... and you think you deserve punishment... spank, pat...

    i guess that is what i was thinkin here. :)

    The ending... very cool. I like how you deserbe whoever you are talking about as weather. :) We are all nature, right?
    You will be cold without whoever ths is, a lover... a family member, a friend.
    Anyway i may be waaaayyyy off... haha but its how i saw this.
    great job, babes.