Comments : Four Letter Word

  • 11 years ago

    by sham pulok

    Good,,,....nicely written ...

  • 11 years ago

    by Hannah Lizette

    Since this was in the love category, I assumed the four letter word was love...opened it up to see I was correct, but I wasn't expecting to see this layout... and the layout is what got me intrigued. It's really wonderful and I may have to use it sometime if you do not care. :) Starting out each word to contain with the first, second, third and fourth letter is really smart.

    One: Nothing but the truth. You start from your teenage years and up looking for 'the one' until you do find them. When you do, you have the world in your hands and will fight to keep them in your life.

    Two: With love, you will have your disagreements and sometimes have down right nasty fights... but no matter what obstacle is thrown at you, you overcome them. Love conquers all. :)

    Three: You do value each single moment you spend with them...even if you are together for years... like when you see old couples still holding hands... after all those years they still find ways to make each other happy and to keep their love alive.

    Four: Again, time together is important and going out doing activities/dates together.

    Love is most certainly and beautiful word and a fantastic feeling.

    I truly enjoyed reading this, great job! :)