Comments : Life

  • 5 years ago

    by Mr. Darcy

    Hello and welcome...

    Life can feel, at times, too much. It seems people are preoccupied with themselves, to even enquire how another is. Why is this, I wonder? Life is all rush, rush, rush. It seems that everyone is trying to get through their days without doing wrong, that they pass, those who need a little time, by.

    Like your words of, '...I know you will get through' you will too. It seems impossible now, but concentrate on what is good in your life. This may be difficult at first, but when you think that we live in a beautiful world, and unless you are unlucky, we have food and water and shelter. We are lucky to have these. You obviously have the ability to write. Do this, write daily the things you hate, but also, the things you like/love too. Life is black and white, so remember - life feels dark now, but there will be light around the corner. Hold onto hope and you will make it through.

    Take care.