Quotes by TaNyabAbEE

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  • ..&& he said to me..don't worry i won't hurt you..i promise<3

    ....But, i wonder.. can i trust his promises??..

    16 years ago
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  • && finally, i have a reason to smile.... && finally, you gave me a reason to trust... && finally, you showed me that loving someone is actually possible...<3

    16 years ago
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  • Our hearts are blind to color supposedly,

    yet... your eyes remain your judge.


    16 years ago
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  • How is it that you can play my heart like playdough, and expect to be forgiven?

    but when i finally find a guy that's as perfect as imperfect can get, you are angry?

    16 years ago
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  • I finally took your advice, and I'm not living in the past. But you're wondering why I haven't called, it's becuz I'm tired of waiting for you to realize I've always been right here, and now that you do realize it, I'm long gone. Sorry!

    16 years ago
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  • U said u loved me,
    but that was all a lie.
    u said u'd never hurt me,
    but here i am, about to cry.

    16 years ago
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  • I'm here looking at you.

    and you're looking at her.

    but she's not looking at you.

    so sad, i know.

    16 years ago
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  • You should never say you love me,
    if you don't know the meaning.
    don't tell me that our love is forever and a day,
    if you've got someone besides me.

    16 years ago
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  • You once told me that you'd give up the world for me, that you wanted to be with me forever and a day.

    But forever is over and you gave me up for another girl.

    16 years ago
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  • You said you loved me,
    but it was just a lie.
    You promised to never hurt me,
    but here I am, about to cry.

    You said you were different,
    that you'd give up the world.
    But I never mattered to you,
    I was just another girl.

    16 years ago
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