Quotes by Niel Sam4na

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  • It's better to accept the fact that you are not appreciated than to insist yourself to someone who never see your worth. .

    12 years ago
    0 0
    not about AGE,
    DiSTANCE, and
    each and

    the most
    Important is the TRUST &
    The TRUST of a
    GiRL to her MAN
    and the
    LOYALTY of
    MAN to his GiRL..

    12 years ago
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  • The reason why playground SLIDES were made is 4 us to experience the HAPPINESS of falling even when theres no one CATCHING..

    12 years ago
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  • In this world, full of wrongs...

    we are the only thing that's right !


    12 years ago
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  • "go for someone who's not only proud and glad to have you,

    but will also take every risk and effort 2 pr0v h0w much they l0ve you."

    12 years ago
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  • "reLationship ar not PERMANENT,

    but come to think of it,

    everything wouLd be permanent if peopLe know how to be,


    12 years ago
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  • No one can go back & change a bad beginning, But anyone can start anything at anytime and create a successful ending..

    12 years ago
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  • Too much alibi can destroy someone's trust, It is better to be straight forward than to live in the world of lies...

    12 years ago
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  • "If you love someone, you better prove it. Because love is not a noun to be defined, but a verb to be acted upon."

    12 years ago
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