Poems by heartbroken4life

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  • A girls heart is
    never to be broken...

  • I wish I could turn back time. I wish I could...

  • Am I? (1)

    Am I supposed to wake up every morning hating that...

  • Is love supposed to hurt? Is love supposed to feel...

  • The end has come and I really wish that I had...

  • I shouldn't have let you go. I should've put up a...

  • I need someone for me,
    To make things like they used to be...

  • I am scared now because I don't know what to do...

  • U-r

    My best friend...

  • You took my heart and broke it into two, and now I...

  • You're gone and lifes not going real well. every...
    keep falling apart. just when i think things can't...

  • You're,
    My angel sent from above...