Comments : Broken Umbrella

  • 8 years ago

    by Ben Pickard

    Love the first stanza and the simile used "like a broken umbrella" - the idea of a flapping, useless umbrella/person being battered by the unrelenting weather.

    It becomes more personal in the second stanza by telling the reader how this person is "lost in so many ways" - the metaphor of the umbrella eased up on here which gives us a very definite person to relate to.

    Then the idea of "busily making plans" to leave the world - shocking but excellently written all at once, Saffie - I loved that line. And the sad truth behind wanting your dreams to cease.

    And then the metaphor heavy (but still personal ) last stanza - she thought she could climb life's "walls" but "like a useless umbrella" she wasn't fit for the job.

    A sad write with some very powerful little lines in it.
    All the best