Comments : The masquerade ball

  • 7 years ago

    by Ben Pickard

    Hello Reyna

    First poem in years? Travesty! This is excellent and one that I nodded my head along to throughout.

    that there is no escaping you

    throughout the years I've come to understand
    that we are intertwined hand in hand


    I appreciated this bit especially as it's very perceptive, simply because a lot of people with depression never come to this realisation. Thinking it will leave is worse in the long run because when it strikes again, the condition is not all that hits you - it's the disappointment that it's still there when you thought it may be gone.

    People who suffer real depression never really expel it completely - they learn to live with it and being ready for it by knowing that it will come back goes a long way to dealing with it successfully. Don't run and hide and pretend it's not following; stand up and shout in its wretched face!

    Take care and all the very best,


  • 7 years ago

    by Darren

    Hopefully writing this has relieved a little bit of the pain, even just for a day.

    It is something that never goes away, always lurks in the dark recess of our minds. But we can learn to spot the triggers and use it to our advantage.

    I tend to write something when I feel I am heading down that path again.

    This is a poem that many people on here can relate to and I thank you for sharing.

    (Now don't leave it as long to write the next)