Trini - It's Curry Chicken!!!

  • Darien
    15 years ago

    Ok Aveena! lol I know a lot of other people like to say Chicken Curry, but omg, that's soooo wrong!.. haha

    So what part of Trinidad are you from ???..

  • Aveena
    15 years ago

    Yeh thats acualy stupidness..

    uhmm sando .. you ?

    lol && btw the name of the thread so made my day ;p

  • Hatori
    15 years ago

    CURRY CHICKEN CURRY CHICKEN!!!!!! xD yum yum yummmmmmmmmm ^^

  • Darien
    15 years ago

    Lol you got that right Hari!!!

    Sando, nice!.. I was raised in Curepe.. my mom's from Sando, and my dad's from Penal

    I haven't been back home in a long while.. but I'm planning to visit family in the summer!..

    teach me to make roti!.. I know its easy, but I never learned..

  • Aveena
    15 years ago

    Lol yehh she got it riight :)

    my mums from sando my dads from felicity
    noo.. lol well hope you do visit this summer :) lol im prob not going again for a while. hope yu have funn :)

    lol dats on thing i can't make...but i asumme its like aloo pie just no aloo? lol let me attepmt sunday and ill tell you ;p

  • Darien
    15 years ago

    Lol yeah I would think its like that.. your guess is as good as mine!

    but aloo pie sounds really good.. or some doubles!
    mmm.. I wish I mom made that kind of stuff.

    I havent met any other people from Trinidad on here.. I guess there isnt too many

  • Aveena
    15 years ago

    Naw me either your the first.. lucky uu ;p

    yess yess it does.. why ask her to make sum ! or go to some roti shop and buy some ? :) i would make for yah but your prob to far ;p

  • Hatori
    15 years ago

    Heh, I plan to be your random thread stalker cause I love curry chicken so much! haha ^^ And all this cooking talk has gotten me in da mood to bake some amazing feast!! Thanks tons xP jkjk anyways, this Trinidad food is quite inrtuiging tho o.O

  • Aveena
    15 years ago

    Ahah Make shure and invite me ;p lol

    ohh yes yes it is :) lol

  • Hatori
    15 years ago

    Haha of course ^_- lol

    Heh, you guys should try makin some Italian food sometime ^^ Some dishes are like heaven -daydreams-

  • Aveena
    15 years ago

    Eh lol I hardly cook thats my mummys job lol :)
    lol italian food ? pasta ? lol :)

  • Darien
    15 years ago

    Lol, I love Italian food!.. I can make pasta, and spaghetti and meatballs!.. that's about it. I wish I could make Canelloni.. mmm

    Well Aveena I live in Ontario, Canada.. if that helps..

    I would have to wait for my Grandma to come back up from Trinidad to teach me how to make aloo pie and doubles..

  • Aveena
    15 years ago

    Aii tell her to bring you one of dem cook books lol those help :) that way you can attepmt things yourself lol

    yeh i live in ontario too..
    that wasnt a surpise you said that.. lol

  • Hatori
    15 years ago

    Lol well pasta's only part of it xD haha we also have pizza ^_- jkjk

  • Aveena
    15 years ago

    Lol okayy then

  • Aveena
    15 years ago


    don't ask was jus tryna keep itup..

  • Darien
    15 years ago

    Lol well Ontario is still pretty big.. what city or what area do you live around?.. Because I travel all around Ontario..

    Hari!!!.. It's nice to have you around again! Gosh I've missed you! lol.. I hope you remember me !

  • Aveena
    15 years ago

    Lol yeh but i wasn't surpised cuz its one of those migration places lol
    uhm toronto :)

  • Hatori
    15 years ago

    Haha of course I remember ya ^_- there's no way I could forget =D -huggles- I missed ya too!

    And all you Ontario people!!! Right now, I'm in Alberta xD Westerners!

  • Aveena
    15 years ago

    Lol sweet ! how is it up there ?

  • Darien
    15 years ago

    *hugs Hari* hehe, I'm glad you remember me!
    and Alberta is a lovely province, I've heard so many good things about Calgary. I have a friend working there, and some family there as well..

    Wow, Aveena, you are pretty close to me, I live in Mississauga, and Toronto is only a 20-30 minute drive away. I'm not a fan of the city though.

  • Aveena
    15 years ago

    Lol wait i thought toronto was.. oh nvm lol
    i made a mistake. i live in etobicoke.. lol\

    yah im lostt like hell here lol ! ;p

    yeah i heard alberta is a reall niice place too, lol but i heard that its a lot of farm area :)

  • Hatori
    15 years ago

    Omg that is so ironic o__O lol I'm actually in Calgary xD haha and yes, there's tons of farmland ^^;; looking out the window on the flight was hilarious cause that's basically all I could see!!! But Canada is lovely ^^ I even visited Toronto once too

  • Aveena
    15 years ago

    Yeah my friend said she looks out her window one side is the city the other is

    yes i couldn't agree more canada is lovely.. well from what i have seen :)

  • Darien
    15 years ago

    That's really cool Hari. My friend works down there as an intervenor for deaf blind clients. So if you ever see a really nice guy walking down the street with someone doing sign language, that may be him!.. he works for the CNIB.

    Aveena, Etobicoke is even closer! Lol, that's about a good 10 minutes from me. My dad works close to Islington subway station. I guess you might not know where that is.

  • Aveena
    15 years ago

    Lol I know the differnce now ... Don't mind my cunfusion above :) yeah it is only about a 10 minute drive

    Yeah I think I do no where Islington subway station is. Not sure tho lol

    Lol. Btw nice description of your friend :)

  • Darien
    15 years ago

    Lol well, there's a bit more detail to him, and since I haven't seen him in a while, I'm sure he has changed!..

    Well if you are ever down in Mississauga shopping at Square One, left me know. It's only a 5 minute drive from my house!..

    There's also a really nice Roti shop about 10 minutes from my house as well. I think it's called Barra's.

  • Aveena
    15 years ago

    Lok alright den :p

    Dam. Lol. That's like once in a blue moon I swear the last time I was at square one was like last January lol I should try and change that lol

    Hmm. That's cool see LOL you don't need to learn to make roti :) I got one down here to called Ducky's

  • Darien
    15 years ago

    Lol, I can't believe you don't come down here to shop. Square One is like, the biggest mall in Ontario. I don't go there often anymore, but that's because I have no real reason to shop.

    I had Barra's like 2 days ago, I forgot to mention that!.. lol I had some good doubles!..

  • Aveena
    15 years ago

    Lol I know , it's sad. Lol but I got Sherway and Dixie right here so there really isn't a reason to go even tho things are fairly expensive but hey it's also the tranportation to get down there lol i only go down there when I lookn for sum reall niice dress or something :) wait, i though vaughn or sumthin was the biggest

    Lol niice. Thats good I had roti and bodi for breakfast yesterday
    Lol atleast the duobles was good! :)

  • Aveena
    15 years ago

    Duoble post sorry


  • Darien
    15 years ago

    Lol pfft, it's only highschool essays and labs.. wait til you hit university!..

    Lol, I guess Dixie Mall is good enough, since most of the stuff is pretty cheap. Sherway is expensive though, well that's what I heard at least!.. Square One is still the biggest!.. Vaughn doesnt count because all of their stores are outside or something..

  • Aveena
    15 years ago

    Lol so ;p
    i had everythign for like 3 weeks now lol :)
    imma procrastinator i need to change that lol
    i heard they might raise tuition by w 3%. ? or is that outta town ?

    Sherway is expensive... lol cuz yu mostly payin for the labels well atleast the stores i shop in lol anyways & yeh dixie mall isn't that bad
    lol as you say denn.. Square one is biggest lol

    mann dey said its going to be atleast -30 tonight :(
    i already sleep with 3 confortors lol

  • Darien
    15 years ago

    LMAO I sleep with 3 comforters too! Geez, it is soooo cold!.. When is it going to get warm again!?

    Most of the stores in Sherway are the brand name type of stores. That's why I never shop there. I buy all my stuff online!..or at concerts. Lol

    Yeah, my style is nothing like you would expect.
    Band Hoodies, band shirt and ripped jeans with skater shoes or pumas. Lol

    If they raise tuition, I'm going to be pissed!!! The
    damn TAs and Profs went on strike at York already, and if they raise tuition, the students will probably end up going on strike or something.. geez

    All they want is money!

  • Aveena
    15 years ago

    Lol niice hmm maybe in a good few weeks?

    Yeah that really surprised me lol it's not a big deal most of my friends dress like that too soo.. :)

    Oh man ... What you up York or..? Even uft you have to pay money at different stage and you still didn't get in yet ..,that's pure bs most other schools don't do that prob cuza the forin (spelt wrong) students...

  • Darien
    15 years ago

    Yeah International students pay A LOT of money. I have a friend on my soccer team that's from Ghana and he went to the University of Windsor and he paid almost $15,000 a year. That's with boarding and everything too. You have to have a lot of money to study overseas it looks like..

    I wanted to go over to Japan and teach English. Once I'm done my degree, I'll get my teacher's training courses and try for it!.. Might take me 2 more years though..

  • Aveena
    15 years ago

    Oh damn. I guess so.

    aii good luck with that :) ONe question why Japan tho ?

    soccer, Recreational or.. ?

  • Darien
    15 years ago

    I just love the Japanese culture, and it's one of the better paying places. The other option was Korea, but I don't really know much about the culture.
    I've always like Japan.

    Recreational soccer, it's an indoor team at the Hershey Center. It's a Men's Open league. A bunch of guys from my dad's work made a team, and my dad invited me to play.

  • Aveena
    15 years ago

    Oh okay ! that sounds niice ! : )

    Oohh sweet! thats good. : )
    I use to play, might start back with school this year.

  • Darien
    15 years ago

    Yeah, soccer is soo much fun!.. I have a game tomorrow. Also, my 2nd semester starts at York.
    Two things to look forward to tomorrow!.. lol