How do you cope with the death of a friend?

  • bipolarbear
    11 years ago

    I would like some advice on this. I have lost people I love before but they were people that I was not very close with. How do you cope? Have any tips or advice?

    He was an old friend of mine. I've known him scince sixth grade. We dated for awhile and were happily in love till we decided to go back to just friends. We lost our verginity to each other. He meant more to me than I ever told him. He went fishing this morning at a place called hellgate canyon and he slipped and fell. Help didn't get there in time. I just feel so.... Wordless. But news for a poet, epscialy scince I want to write a poem for him.

    Your help would be appreciated. Thank you.

  • Blackstar
    11 years ago

    I'm sorry for your loss.

    It will be much harder in the beginning ofcourse but you can try to talk with someone about it, about the way you feel and the great times you two had together.

    Or like you suggested already, write about it. You can write down all your feelings. It will always be a hard thing but it will get better in time, hold on there !

    Wish you the best.

  • Baby Rainbow
    11 years ago

    I think it just takes time. Time and support from people around you.

    Thinking of you

  • silvershoes
    11 years ago

    It will be hard to come to grips with at first and sometimes you will think it was all just a dream and they're still alive... my only suggestion is to talk about it, write about it, get it out, and yes, cry about it. If you want to cry but you can't, that's normal. If you can't stop crying, that's normal too. Everyone deals with grief differently.

    When you lose someone close to you, the hole in your heart never disappears, but I promise it gets smaller. It gets better.

  • GrimExpectations
    11 years ago

    The death of a loved one is a terrible beast that will strike at the very core of your being. It will shake the foundations and leave you broken and cold. If there was some secret way to weather the storm, I would gladly tell you how. Listen to your heart and do as you feel, regardless of what others might say about it. Sorrow is a terrible burden and you are free to express it in anyway you choose too.

    Rest assured the dust will settle, but it will be a tough journey. When all seems dark and lost, look to those that love you. They shall be the stars in the night.

  • silvershoes
    11 years ago

    Love the poetry in the above post. Nice.