Make $ writing poetry

  • silvershoes
    11 years ago

    I stumbled upon this interesting tidbit of advice regarding submitting your poetry to media sources. It's inspired me; Maybe it will inspire you too.

    "You might think that the best way for poets to earn money is to submit their poetry to magazines which cater to that audience. The fact is, however, that most poetry magazines pay little or nothing for even the best poetry, and you certainly can't make a living doing that.

    Instead, look for magazines that are geared toward the subject of your poetry. For example, if you like to write poetry about the outdoors, consider submitting your poetry to Field & Stream or Orion. You'll find that not every magazine accepts poetry, but target the ones that do."

    I'm going to submit a horse related poem to a horsey magazine :)

    Happy writing, poets.

  • Britt
    11 years ago

    Great idea, Jane! Thanks for showing us this!

  • average thoughts
    11 years ago

    Thnx a lot silvershoes

  • A Poets Handwriting aka ALISHA
    11 years ago

    Never even thought of that!
    Great idea. Thanks. (:

  • silvershoes
    9 years ago

    Anyone ever try this? I didn't. Too lazy. Maybe I will now. Got loads of free time.

  • Darren
    9 years ago

    Nearly a year later??!!

    Your idea was a good one though.

    I think you should try it.

    I have actually earned a whole 9 pound (approx. 15 dollars) through my poetry which officially makes me a pro..........

    or not.....