Earning his love back

  • HiddenScars
    11 years ago

    So there's this guy who i actually met on this site, and we became really close. But he fell in love with the fake me. I lied to him about a lot of stuff about me and I finally told him the truth. Telling him the truth made me lose all of his trust and lose all of his love. I'm not giving up on trying to get him to love me again though. I even said to him when we still had our "thing" cuz we weren't exactly dating that if he ever stopped loving me i would cry a lot, cut a lot more and try to get him to love me again. I'm trying but i'm not sure what to do. Now he knows all of the truth about me and i'm trying to show him the real me. The only thing that was 100% true that i told him were my feelings for him. i love him with all my heart and i won't ever stop loving him. I just need help on how I can at least cope that he doesn't love me. I love you with all my heart forever and always Omar....

  • Xionide
    11 years ago

    You're 13! Your gonna swear blind you'll feel this way about the next guy too! So what does logic tell you here?! You can convince yourself you're a duck, but it doesn't make it so, does it?

  • Aveena
    11 years ago

    Uhm, considering you are 13, and on another post you said that you have cheated before.. I think you should stay away from guys for a little while, and focus a bit more on your studies.

  • Jenni Marie
    11 years ago

    Dating that if he ever stopped loving me i would cry a lot, cut a lot more and try to get him to love me again

    Wow. How selfish. So you'd rather him pretend everything is okay in order for you not to cut/cry/be upset?

    You lied. Not him. Let him come around in his own time, if he does then you got lucky.

    If he doesn't, move on.

    Don't insinuate it would be his fault for you cutting, though. That's incredibly selfish.

  • Dark Savior
    11 years ago

    Yeah; I understand this hurts you a lot but it hurts him more because the person whom he fell in love with is not actually real.

    You would do well to focus on school and not so much on dating at your age.

    Time heals all wounds no matter how harsh they are, I know and you're still young you will bounce back.

    Also, You shouldn't put blame where it doesn't belong. If I read this correctly you're the one at fault here so you should take ownership for your actions and if this causes him to leave you then these are the seeds you've sowed.

  • Autuumnbree
    11 years ago

    I personally feel that a 13 year old child shouldn't be dating. I also feel getting involved with a person you meet online is foolish because there's so much to learn about a person that you meet in person and it more difficult when you never met a person. I hate to be lied to and I personally think that a person who lies about who they are can't be trust and lying to someone can ultimately cause you to lose their respect.

    I won't lie I date guy online before and he turned out to be a lair and control freak I eventually wrote a poem about him entitle "Internet Lover" of course I don't talk to him no more. I admit to my mistakes and pray that he never contact me again.

  • XxLastHopexX
    11 years ago

    I didn't start to date until I was 17, and it was one of the best things my mom ever made me do. There is plenty of time for that drama later in your life chica. And as a child, which you are, its hard to have the mental and emotional stability and rational that is essential have any real relationship. Don't try to grow up so fast. Before you know it, you're childhood will be gone, and you will want nothing more than to have it back.