My girlfriend troubles

  • Mello193
    11 years ago

    Well about a year ago i met this chick, we dated for a month then her mom said she coulnt see me. She quickly moved on. I stopped speaking to her then one day i did. I found out that she had a one night stand with one of friends, she didnt know that we knew each other. I dont know. Help.

  • 8
    11 years ago

    One of the subtypes of sadness that you are feeling is Betrayal... betrayal that the love and "feelings" you've shared with this girl for a month can easily be replaced or replicated. And then you feel worthless, replaceable; you feel that your actions, no matter how sincere, will always lead you back to sadness.

    Always try to understand that things simply happen and more often than not, they are not caused by intellectual contemplation. Like what possibly happened here.

    A creature, an adolescent woman, meets a feel human of the opposite sex and words were passed to each other's ear and this was then translated by the heart into emotions such as the below:

    1. Flirtation: the, hinting of sexual contact that can either hit or miss
    2. Security: which is a humanistic equivalent of feeling some sort of care and importance
    3. pleasure: necessity of all animals

    and more which resulted to the one night stand.

    Understand that this happens and move on. Either you keep sulking for this person, or you shrug your shoulders and get on with life and meet people. I suggest you meet yourself. It will be a long and mysterious journey but I promise that once you do, such instances like this would need no guidance or assistance. And you'll cheerfuly laugh. at yourself. with the world.

  • Britt
    11 years ago

    I'm having a hard time trying to figure out the issue here. You guys weren't dating when this happened, right? You split, because of her mother or because of whatever reason... and that's that.

    The only frustration I would have here is with your friend, if he knew about this girl. If not, then you can't really be upset if they didn't know.