I Don't like him .. do i?

  • Miss Lonely Teacher
    10 years ago

    I have a close friend that i've known for about a year and i liked him, but i never knew until i was dating an older friend that he actually liked me back.
    the relationship with my older friend ended nearly 6months ago, but i still love him and miss him. i truly thought he was the one for me, and i can't seem to get over him.
    when my friend of 1yr asked me out, i told him i didn't think it'd be fair to agree to date if i was still mourning my ex. but lately, i think my feelings have changed.
    i still miss and love my ex as much as the day he broke up with me, but i think i like my friend again. when i'm at work my thoughts are "how much time until i go home and can talk to him?" or just sitting around "ugh, i haven't talked to him yet today, where is he?" on top of that, i always have this strong jealous feeling when he talks about one of his female friends.
    he knows so much about me, good and bad, and has stayed there despite everything i tell him or do, but when i try to think of a relationship with him i can't do it.
    i don't know anymore if i like him, or just want someone to be there.

    thoughts please?

  • dindee
    10 years ago

    Hi...ummm...why dont you give yourself a try to go out with him..so that you'll know whether you like him or not...yeah youre still confused on that situation...
    if it will work out go for it..
    but if not then only as friends...
    and jealous??
    cause you dont have his attention or you just want him to be there always?

  • sibyllene
    10 years ago

    I think you did the mature thing by letting him know that you weren't ready to date anyone else, back when you had that first conversation. If your feelings have changed since then, I'd say to give it a try. However, I know I've had friends who have kind of convinced themselves to like/go out with someone, just because they other person liked them a lot, and they felt a bit pressured to try it. Or perhaps they just liked having the attention (who doesn't?). That's not the route to go down, because you start the relationship on unequal footing; I think there should be some balance in how much you both like and are pursuing each other.

    I guess I'm just taking the long way of saying "think it through." And be aware of what you're risking if you shift this friendship into something more. That said... we never know 100%, do we? :) Just continue to be honest with yourself and with him, and good luck.

  • Britt
    10 years ago

    I agree with everything Sib said, but have another bit to add.

    There is something stopping you from dating this guy. A lot of times, I ended up dating my very close male friends and it ruined our friendship. You become close to someone, they know so much about you, help you out.. it's natural to think there are romantic feelings there. I've been burned by thinking there are romantic feelers.. for sure.

    But you mentioned you can't bring yourself to do it, and I think you're hesitant for a reason. The reason I don't know for sure, and maybe you don't either. But if he TRULY cares about you (in "that" way), he will understand and be patient. Or maybe he'll move on and you'll both find happiness elsewhere. I wouldn't jump into something if you have any reservations.

  • sibyllene
    10 years ago

    I second Britt's additions to my points. ; )

    Have you ever gone out with someone who wasn't quite sure whether they wanted to be with you? It's bad news all around. If he's not your first choice, I would pass on the relationship. Keep in mind that feelings of friendship can be just as rewarding and serious than romantic feelings, if not more so.

  • Miss Lonely Teacher
    10 years ago

    Thanks guys, that really gives me a bit of thinking material