My poems are being forced

  • Redangelwings
    10 years ago

    It seems lately that all my poems are being forced and not natural. I am really not sure what to do to be honest. Is it time for a mental break.. what do y'all think?

  • Sincuna
    10 years ago

    Find your drive, there's nothing wrong with forced poems if it get's you through the day. Kind of like therapy.

    But if you're writing for the sake of art, competition, etc, then it's a good chance to stop for a while and explore other things. Could still be poetry related by reading through other published authors, listening to music, simply expanding your experiences, etc.

  • Redangelwings
    10 years ago

    That is a very good idea thank you. I think I seem to always be drawn to poetry. Maybe I do need to step away for a while.

  • ddavidd
    10 years ago

    Have you ever walked on the curb or a fence or something narrow or tried to cross over a river on the stones trying to avoid getting wet?? Then you know: if you lose your calm and relax, or as you said, force it , you are going to fall, you are going to lose your balance as well. I disagree with Sincuna, there is everything wrong with force poetry. When you force it, it only means you have noting to say and WHY should someone talk when s/he has nothing to say or convey??
    let it go; it will come back to you later. being a hunter it does not only entail being fit and chace all the time, it also includes patience . This is the hardest part . Sometimes the huntee even do not show up in its appointment and you have to return. But patience, he knows( hunter), is the only way that makes it happen