What eklse?

  • N J Thornton
    19 years ago

    Ok before i start the title is supposed to say "what else?" It's just i was in such of a rush and i pressed "OK" and i can't change it back now....
    I don't really know the point in this post, i just wanted to talk about something.
    Well anyway...i've been writing for sometime and when i first started it was mostly anger and depression etc ( although i haven't posted my earlier ones on here.) Then i started to get more into poetry itself and i started to widen the things i wrote about. Now apart from the odd one i don't write depression, but instead i write about things like nature, colours and emotion, basically anything that inspires me. Now although it seems i don't have many poems, i have over 200 and i'm starting to run out of original things to write about. I love writing because it keeps me occupied, so if i run out of things to write about i don't know what i'm going to do. So i was just wondering if anyone has some interesting ideas of what i could write about. If you take a look at my stuff you'll see the sort of thing i like to write about and i'm open to any suggestions.
    OK i'm finished now, thanks for listening


  • My Obsεssion
    19 years ago

    Hmmm....well you could always try writing a poem based off of a quote, something I always thought would be cool to try. Only thing is that if you actually use the quote in it you should probably cite the person who said it. You could probably do the same with a lyric from your favorite song. You could write stories within poems about major issues good or bad like I've sort of done with my poem Addicted I and hope to do with other ideas sometime, or probably even do something like I'm in the process of doing right now and write a poem based off of another poem. Mine's like written in the exact same form and style to the same idea so I'm going to credit the original author for the inspiration and form and everything since I do believe that's the right thing to do. I hope that some of my ideas may have helped...oh and thanks a lot for the lovely comment on my Pantoum. I'm not sure about what you said since I got the form from someone else's and they didn't do that reversal at the end...either way thanks :D.