Comments : You Cause Dizziness To Come In A New Form.

  • 16 years ago

    by ABake

    Steph, I am getting my own feelings and understandings of this piece. I can not quite make it out but in the end it makes quite a bit of sense. && throughout the confusion the piece is beautiful. Not your normal poetic type of write but a beautiful one indeed...

    I loved the realness in it. I won't bother going stanza by stanza seeing as how this is no ordinary piece I have read. The emotions are raw and I can honestly relate. I can also honestly say what you wrote is amazing. Great job hun.


  • 16 years ago

    by Blissful

    Ouch with the last phrase. I thought it might have a happy ending .. well I was hopeful. Okay so basically I loved this. Seriously man. I thought your work couldn't get any better but this one just blew me away. I loved how you did something different .. it was quite refreshing and interesting to read. I was left wanting more .. I didnt even mind the length.

    "my mouth tends to leap at the first chance to talk to you - even if it's only to state the obvious."
    ^oh my how deeply I can relate with that. You took something so simple that were constantly exerpiance and you expresed it soo beautifully. I applaud you.

    The truth behind this poem was profound and maybe I understood it differently but it was overall a joy. Has to be one of the best you've written.

    Well done *5/5*

    *& thank you sososo much for your comment on my poem ... it means a lot. I poured my heart out and I'm glad to know it made sense hahah*

    take care.

  • 16 years ago

    by TheRevelation

    This poem could mean different things depending on how you look at it.
    ""Baby, it's cold outside." Yes, my mouth tends to leap at the first chance to talk to you - even if it's only to state the obvious," that was a wonderful statement. I think everyone has had one of those moments. What I got out of that was obviously love and desire, to talk to hear a voice maybe a need?
    This was a very unique piece of poetry, and I truly enjoyed the read. Long poems tend to bore me at times but not this one, it was enticing, a bit confusing but it makes it that much more interesting. Good job 5/5

  • 16 years ago

    by Tim Mauntler

    Excelent... and i think i understand what's going on... it sounds like you love him, but you know the spark is going away...
    it's an awesome topic to write about and produced a great poem...
    keep writing
    i wish you luck

  • 15 years ago

    by stacey pearce

    Wow i love ur poem it does make sense if u look at it simply i guess its just the way u read it but u want me 2 be honest then get ova him u got the rest of ur life to live and plenty more people to find and appreciate and have more fun with!

    stacey xoxoxoxoxox

  • 15 years ago

    by Shadowlovely91

    Wow...okay I'll admit..i get it! very very good and i would of wrote something just like that. Magical.
    ~Heart Beat Thunder~