Winners of Poetry Contest

Popular Poems

  • Mending The Tide (2) 5

    by Chris

    I once gave you the tools to shatter my own heart,
    I forced your hand and made us fall apart...

  • Far from your touch... (11) 8

    by Meena Krish

    Far from your
    affection yet just...

  • My Marvelous Lord (8) 5


    My Marvelous Lord
    He meets me wherever I trod, besides my bed or in...

Latest Poems

  • I Am A Liar

    by Sai Vara Prasad Potharaju

    I am liar
    My heart lied while beating...

  • Knight (Senryu)

    by BOB GALLO

    The Camelot knight:
    "Are you one of us?" I said...

  • Poetry (Senryu)

    by BOB GALLO

    Poetry is a vow—
    elseways, it is only...

Popular Quotes

  • Within each tear there's a lesson.

  • Children soak up the world. Do them a favour, show them the sea of goodness, the waterfalls of love, and the perils that lay in the rivers dark.

  • Love is like respect, it starts from within.