Comments : Am I Enough?

  • 16 years ago

    by Stephanie

    I adore this. This poem hits close to home with me, and while reading this poem it really hit my heart.

    "Do I talk too fast or not enough?
    Am I too gently or too tough?"
    ^ "gently" should be gentle. (:
    These have to be my favorite two lines -- they were beautifully written, and I know that I can relate to this feeling, because I'm the type of person who overanalyzes everything. Haha. (:

    Phenominal job, m'dear. Overall: 5.5
    - Stephanie <33

  • 15 years ago

    by Bre Monique

    I know exactly how this feels. I even wrote a poem on it myself, that's similar to this one.

    "Do I talk too fast or not enough?
    Am I too gentle or too tough?"

    In mine I said,
    "Do you really like me? Am I coming on to strong?
    Or should I do more to show you I that I really do care?"

    I guess great minds think alike =) Great job!