Comments : Trading Off Between My Open Hand and Swinging Fists

  • 16 years ago

    by Blissful

    Wow I couldnt completely comprehend the message after reading it once which made me want to read it again and it just blew me away! The way you used words in this piece was flawless and you created phrases Ive never seen before which was different and refreshing to see. The imagery complimented the message nicely which was amazing. I loved the last line because the part about her "big head" made me laugh which was a nice way to end a poem. I loved how you wrote in a way many could relate to their own lives and interpret it differently. I've lost a selfish friend myself and oh boy am I happy they are not out of my life. Well done my dear .. I enjoyed reading your newest pieces and thank you so much for your comment on my poem .. means a lot. Well done *5/5*