Comments : No More Smiles

  • 15 years ago

    by TiffanyTrippout

    It's good..

  • 15 years ago

    by AnCi

    Never did she hide her life before
    Or cry herself to sleep at night
    She was that girl who always smiled
    But then she gave up on this fight. .

    - It feels to me like you are writing about me, so i can feel all the feelings that you are writing about.

    She doesn't deserve the pain and suffrage she's endured
    Her soul aches with discontent and heartbreak
    Nowadays, tears uncontrollably flood her sweet, angelic face
    And she's become the girl who's always fake. .

    - Exactly how I feel. Like it's no longer me, i have masked myself and become someone else!

    Her seemingly high self esteem has hit rock bottom
    Her self confidence has dwindled into emptiness
    She feels as though she's left with nothing, with no one
    For her life's been overcome by unfair loneliness. .

    -Simply amazing!

    She lives through each day, all broken up inside
    And with her pain and strife, she refuses to impart
    The happiness inside her has decayed long ago
    And her smile perished with the sorrow that plunged into her heart. .

    - Just another amazing poem by you I would say. I have added you to the list of my favourite poets! You have an amazing talent, don't ever stop writing!