Comments : Goals

  • Very very good.i love it:)

  • 16 years ago

    by Goodbye

    I know it's hard to keep it down,
    when it grows inside, making a horrible sound,
    but it's not about how it even tastes in your mouth,
    but why its there.
    => Yes, these are word of wisdom! Bravo!!

    and it's all about about how you live your life,
    don't mind the money or how sexy your wife is,
    all he can see is your acts and your deeds,
    no one cares if she bigger than this.
    => Yes, there is much more than appearance in person..

    standing knee deep in water, I got a hole in my boat,
    I better plug my finger in. pick a god, any god, pray at night, and at day, to deliver us from sin. we're gonna sleep with the fishes, pay our bills really fast, please try to get us in. this place is real expensive, with a god at the wheel, who rather take it on the chin.
    => "standing knee deep in water, I got a hole in my boat,
    I better plug my finger in" I like this part. As muslim this "picking up any god sounds strange", but get what you meant. And praying night and's nice.. :D

    and I know it's hard to take it slow,
    you'll rather reach for the stars on his get-go,
    but he will take both the blind and the poor,
    although you're richer than ever before.
    => I see you have been thinking about these things, good for you dear.. :)

    I like you put some of your religious/spirtual thought to words.. Something on this poem left unclear.. But anyway, this poem has thoughts to offer..