Comments : I AM *

  • 20 years ago

    by Lady Remix

    Hey everyone. Read, Vote, And Comment on this. I really hope you like it. Someone told me it wasn't that great, but I would like to know what some other people think. I won't take it into offense if you do tell me that it sucks.

    Thank You

    Lady Remix

  • 19 years ago

    by Reubin

    Its not to bad at all . i really liked it. i was just reading your comment on my poem and i can see your point . Im a white male born in Russian and immigrated to Canada and i see this everyday in my highschool and its sad that women think that they have to do these things and the sad thing is alot of girls like guys who treat them like shit and its was a reallt deep and emotional poem for me becuase in Russian even though its a poor country its not likt that women are treated with respect and people who have everything here live like that. thats all i got to say...........Reubin