Comments : Your Face Is Mixed With The Regret Layered On My Skin.

  • 16 years ago

    by Nobodys Hero

    Good job
    It was the heading of the poem which caught my eye


  • 16 years ago

    by TheRevelation

    Oh, I loved this poem so much!
    "So squeeze my hand a little harder and I'll pray for the world to keep spinning a little too fast, just for us."
    -I love how everything is going faster and you want things to move fast and maybe fast forward this bad time because in the dizziness all you see are each other, that's what I thought about this but I had multiples!

    "Each line in a poem and each beat in a song is just a touch of sympathy playing across my fingertips."
    -I like how it is saying fingertips which is only a small part of the hand but yet the most tender. Beautiful.

    "And I still find numerous "I'm sorry's" and "I love you's" flowing past my parched lips, but I find my throat is never too dry. Not with you. "
    -Oh, this was was favorite. How you said parched lips saying that the lips were dry from saying those words so many times over and over but yet your throat is not. Wonderful!

    "Regret and guilt are glued upon my skin like a second coat"
    -Using glued as in the regret and guilt are as in stuck there for a very very long time gave the expression that this hurt doesn't just go away.

    "Cause I love you - I always have.
    And I'm begging you to not let go."
    -This shows the desperation that you don't want thiings to change and you want everything to be ok again.
    5/5! xoxo

  • 16 years ago

    by ABake

    Love the title Steph :]] It is unique and has a weird quirk about it . Lol . So let ' s get started . You need to start posting more work , I miss reading your stuff everyday .

    First : Yay . Your using my lovelyyy and favorite style . The whole story telling type of thing . I ' m so excited . Lol . I am such a loser at times . But I love the first sentence . I can so relate to that right now . Wowww . That is scary . Anyways , the rest of the stanza is great . The emotions are raw and you express them beautifully . Which with this style who wouldn ' t ? Lol . That sounds kinda weird and arrogant . Either way , great first stanza .

    Second stanza : Agh . Babeeee it just keeps getting better . Your eyes are the ocean oh man . Where did you come up with that ? I ' m hoping you can ' t tell that I am in a very giddy kinda mood . Lol . Aww , bring on the heartbreak Steph . Just bring it on . I love it though :]] Another great stanza .

    Last : Agh . Your emotions are so up and down in this piece . But I like it . One minute it ' s lovey and next minute heart break . Love it . Sorry I 'm in a rush . Great poem . 5 . 5

    Amber .

  • 16 years ago

    by Jenie

    Awasome writting!

  • 16 years ago

    by Sweet Disposition
