Comments : A Chaos Curse-words Can't Relieve

  • 16 years ago

    by ilikepurple222

    Oh geeze. man. we need to talk. i'm in acctng. class right now and as i'm sitting here listening to music (jesse mccartney.hehe) i'm thinking...why is my friend hurting like this? why does he have to be so confused? i wish he could be happy and content with his life. with everything in it. the way it is. so yeah, deep thought process there. hehe

  • 16 years ago

    by Gizmo

    Woop, even though it don't seem like it, that is poetry. that was deep, ever wanna talk give me a pm, or email me just ask for it :]

    anyway to the poem :

    i love the idea, that you said is it just thoughts or was this lazy poetry. most people will read this and go it'll look better when its in stanzas. but i think the whole lay out the whole feeling behind its is supberb, nice idea to do, as well as your lanuage skills throughout were amaizng. i like the little uninspired, part at the end, it gives it a conclusion. well done