Comments : Running and Skipping

  • 16 years ago

    by XxHiis BooxX

    I like it alot and sometimes the reason wy i guy don't want somethign more than friendship is b/c they don't wunna ruin it by dating you..

  • 16 years ago

    by shivali

    A very beautiful compostion..

    good job 5/5

  • 16 years ago

    by StandStill

    Hey there. ^.^

    This is very sweet ((definitely not stupid)). It does sound a little beginner, but we all start somewhere. And it holds a wonderful promise of potential. ^.^ It sounds a lot like the poems i wrote in the beginning...which i like. hopefully poetry doesn't drag you around and down like it did for me..

    The only constructive critisism i can offer right now is that it sounds a little forced. like it's absolutely adorable, but it sounds like you're trying really hard to be cute. and with practice and time, that goes away. read anybody's first poem and you'll see how forced sounding it is compared to their latter poems.

    overall a good job, honey.<3

  • 16 years ago

    by mitch

    It is a really cute poem, I loved it. I hope you write more ;) I'll be looking out for the next one.

  • 16 years ago

    by Rachel RTVW

    Lacks flow and all of your rhyming is forced and cliche.

  • 16 years ago

    by Something Diabolical

    I found this poem abit too cute for me
    (no offense)

    the rhymes are good but as mentioned before ^ ^
    i feel they are a little forced.. maybe because you couldnt think of what to write =S

    i get it all the time

    "You are the reason I pray night and day,
    I will love you, everyday,"
    very good lines!!!
    my fav part =]

    as i said before keep it up!!

    4/5 from me =]

  • 16 years ago

    by Dawn aka Dominique

    That's really cute i can totally relate to this poem, and girl this happens to the best of us.

    I really liked that 4 stanza it really brought out the emotion of wanting someone you can't have

    Good Job ",

  • 16 years ago

    by XxHiis BooxX

    AMAZING POEM..and WHO told u r not good at it..if u don't mine me asking? 5/5 great job

  • 15 years ago

    by Christina Hobbs

    That was a great poem the only thing that threw me off was the very ending. but i love the emotion you give, and how you expressed how he made you felt i could feel everything in the poem.

  • 15 years ago

    by Courageous Dreamer

    "Running and skipping for days on end,
    Then I come across you, a friend,"
    `These first two lines were great. It started a great rhyme.

    "As time moves on, I find that I don't want to be your friend,"
    `I think you changed your verb tense here. I think moves should be moved..?
    `Oh, and then "I find that I don't want to be your friend.." -Sets off the flow a lot because you repeated the word friend.. I lost the rhyme in the third line of the poem, I didn't really like that.. cause now It's going to be hard to pick it up again, well hopefully not.

    "I want something more,
    I want to be yours,
    Yours to hold and adore,"
    `This is sweet and beautiful. I would have however made the lines longer though.. they aren't as long as your first stanza is.. and that is another factor for a rocky flow. But this is a very sweet desire that you wish & hope for.

    "But you won't let me go that far,
    You won't let me be your little shinning star,
    Just the girl who embraces the glorious sounds of your guitar,"
    `This is sad. But, you worded it nicely I suppose. The rhyme is back.. but I can't say that the flow is that extremely good or anything. The length of your lines are kinda in a variety whcih sets it off for me.

    "We are with each other most of the time,
    When I see you I can't help myself but endlessly rhyme,
    You know that you make my heart chime,
    But to you, loving me is like committing a crime,"
    `This stanza was worded wonderfully, probably the best stanza yet. The lines were about the same length, the flow and rhyme were good. I especially loved the last line of this stanza... :]

    "I do not know why you feel this way,
    Whatever the reason I will never push you away,
    I will always adore the games we play,"
    `Aww. This is awesome. Because although this person doesn't feel the same, you`'ll always love them no matter what and always adore them.

    "You are the reason I pray night and day,
    I will love you, everyday,

    But for now, I am running and skipping with you for days on end"
    `Again you switch from short lines to long lines.. that's not good because then the flow is really rocky :\

    Overall, a sweet poem. But the flow was off pretty much throughout most of the poem.. Make sure to make all your lines the same length, that should help quite a bit. 4/5.