Comments : The Shell of Mystery

  • 12 years ago

    by Xanthe

    I love this poem :)

    This reminded me of a puppet attached to a string, being controlled by someone.

    "People believe they know me,
    I am so unclear,
    What lies in my reflection?
    The child seems to have disappeared,"
    People believe in a lot of things and they often think what they believe is the right thing.. I love the last line, it's like you're saying your innocence is gone.

    "Am I the person I believed?
    Or am I the result of standard and view?
    Have I become my deepest fear?
    A part of others' demands?"
    I love this part. The questions and search for identity..

    "It's as though this is my role,
    As if I'm an actor in a play,
    Being fed my lines,
    Pretending I control what I say,"
    This is really sad.. I'm reminded of the people today, esp. women. The abuse and inferiority..

    "I am the shell of mystery,
    The very core is gone,
    Demand and balance define my views,
    So I'll just play along."
    I love the ending very much. Filled with a sense of defeat..

    I can find no errors and I love the word choice.. I see this was submitted in 2008 and don't understand why there are no rates/comments. This is a great piece 5/5 and keep writing! :)
