Comments : Fix yourself

  • 15 years ago

    by StandStill

    "I don't need to be fixed, I'm not broken"

    ^^ I loved this's calling out all the hypocrites. wwe all need to be fixed, we're all screwed over and stupid and liars. but it's sick when somebody tries to fix another when they're worse off themselves.


  • 15 years ago

    by Robert Anthony

    Wow, this poem was amazing! ill give you a 6/5

  • 15 years ago

    by Teria

    Amazing poem, dear.
    Loved the emotion and word choice - simple, yet amazing

    Keep it up

  • 15 years ago

    by My Mistakes

    I love this poem, i myself have writtn to people to tell them to look at thmselves...look through my poems you might find them. hope you like whatever you may read.

  • 15 years ago

    by jescelle

    Wow..... seriously.... that poem was stunning. i've done something similar, but the way you incorporated the "voices" and then left almost a trail of silence in a bunch of blank lines until you said "fix yourself".... it was like having something written there when it's clear there was nothing. like, you spoke an air of paranoia and even kept us, your audience, confused with the wording, which worded perfectly with what your trying to portray here. that your not perfect, but those who judge you have no right to b/c there just as messed up as you say you are.... its.... magnificant. seriously. i cant believe the rating only goes up to 5. i give you 100%. A+. come check out and comment on some of my more recent ones, i think they may be of some intrest to you. let me know what you think!