Comments : Tell me.

  • 16 years ago

    by StandStill

    I actually have started to be afraid to read your poems. because i know it means another battle's coming. but here we go:

    Why wasn't I enough to make daddy stay
    Why aren't I enough for mommy to want me

    ^^ I know how hard it is to not feel like enough. Monique, it's every single day for BOTH of us. not just you. i understand that feeling...that empty hollow feeling of just..why? but we can't please everyone. and i know how that hurts. god..but the only person you should ever try to please is yourself. you're more than enough for other, your sister, jesse....all of us think you're wonderful.

    Why does no-one love me
    What did I do
    Or what did I say

    ^^ *raises hand* I LOVE YOU! or am i suddenly No one? because I wasn't aware of the fact I am a nobody. Does my love not count?

    Tell because I'll change

    ^^ You're just fine the way you are, so stop threatening ((yes, threatening)) that you wil change.

    Tell me because I'm tired of being this way

    ^^ We all get tired of ourselves, sometimes. Some people more than others. And ya, you have mistakes, ya, you're not perfect. nobody NOBODY NOBODY!!!!! is perfect. period.

    Tired of feeling so guilty

    ^^ so let go, hon. stop killing yourself over things you can't change. please..*hugs*

    Tell me,
    So I can finally put down this blade

    ^^I AM TELLING YOU! you can do it loves. i know you can.

    great poem...sorry for the book.