Comments : We Can all Make it

  • 15 years ago

    by mandy

    That was beautifuly put.
    And poems don't have to rhyme,
    poems are just self expression, and you
    did that very well. I love your poem and I can
    really relate to it. I love every single word
    you wrote, so fresh and real. Fantastic job,
    I absalutly love it! 5/5!!!


  • 15 years ago

    by ether

    I'm sure many people would agree with you on this, however I do not.
    Aside from personal differences, this is okay.
    It is perhaps a little cliche. It strays a little to close to life is an adventure, when you say life is all about the unknown.
    Also, I see this as being a little too literal, it's more of a journal entry than prose.
    Still, some of the points you brushed upon are noteable. Hmm. I can't really think of much more to say about this, apologies.

    jess ~