Comments : I am ok

  • 16 years ago

    by CHEMICALcaitlin

    Even though this poem was short it had a really powerful message. I could picture all of this taking place. you have some serious talent

    Soo....5/5 =)

  • 16 years ago

    by StandStill

    Oh lovely twistedness how shall ye torture thee?

    My cries fall upon deaf ears

    ^^ my. ears. work. fine.

    My Razor slides so deep, threatening to take me away

    ^^ If you go away, who will survive Jesse with me, monique?

    My blood is now mixing with my tears

    ^^ If you're crying, you're not ok, and you KNOW it.

    But don't worry, this is how I feel ok

    ^^ i don't even like this line. it made me so sick to read...

    When I see my blood, pouring down my wrist

    ^^ NO. NO. NO. NO. NO. ...or am i a hypocrite who you shan't listen to anymore?

    Thats when know I can make it though this

    ^^ When you think that that will save you...that's when you should realize you won't make it through...