Comments : The mistress of my dreams

  • 15 years ago

    by Dark Secrets

    To me this poem is mysterious, it has many meanings... sometimes I have dreams of this guy I never met, and I feel that he is real and that someday I might meet him, but who knows it might be just a dream!

  • 15 years ago

    by Courageous Dreamer

    You did a pretty good job for your first poem. However, as you continue to write focus on, format, rhyme if you want, structure, puncuation, vocabulary, flow, etc. There's sooo much invovled with poetry! Explore the different styles, as well. :) Try new things. Challenge yourself.

    Back to your poem though, I loved the whole idea of the poem, but you could use some improvement. I thought it was a bit short, and could use some more jazzy words. :) But, I was just like you when I wrote my first poem. Keep writing.. You'll get better. This is not a bad poem at all. Don't get me wrong. XD Just keep writing nad keep challening yourself with the things I mentioned above. 5/5