Comments : Math

  • 15 years ago

    by Spoken Silence

    First of all, I hate math, worst subject in the world (only because I suck at it)

    "Math is the great equalizer of man
    If you are black, white, yellow or tan
    If you are rich or poor
    It will make you unsure"

    This is so true, this part to me means math with money. No matter what race you are, or how rich or how poor you are. You will always need money, always be counting it and letting it take over you. Because everything costs.

    "Of every decision
    Especially division
    Whenever you wake
    Your mind will ache"

    Math makes my head hurt even when I'm not just waking up. Its to many numbers. Many will relate to this. Everyone has gotten to those points while doing math homework when they need to stop because all the numbers get to your head and make it hurt.

    "Sin, Cos, and Tan
    Oh, what a scam
    Calculus and trigonometry"

    Yup, this is a scam. Trig is easy. But Calculus OMG! I hated doing this in the 8th/9th grade. IT WAS HORRIBLE! it is a scam I agree with you 100% on that. We will never need it in the real world...unless your taking up something to do with math, but for me.. no way nothing to do with math whatsoever.

    "I do not comprehend
    When will this all end "

    That is the exact question I'm thinking. Math will never end. We will always need it in some way. May be used little but we will need it. This was a good poem about math, I'm guessing you wrote this while in math class bored? lol

  • 15 years ago

    by Tina Carr AKA Snickers

    Haha agreed. :)
    Great job! 5/5

    This reminded me of that nursery rhyme:

    "Multiplication is vexation,
    Division is as bad;
    The Rule of Three doth puzzle me,
    And Practice drives me mad."

  • 15 years ago

    by fallenforever

    Omg i love this poem it made me laugh.
    i hate maths it confusess me so much but i almost like it now lol i congratulate you for writting about maths it is something i could never do. great poem. keep up the good work