Comments : A Peace Unexistant

  • 15 years ago

    by InvisiblyHeartless

    The entire surface was affected,

    The tranquility can never be the same,

    For what was done-who holds the blame,

    The first drop or all the rain?

    that was my favorite stanza. i love the way you make the nature seem so intense bt yet it has nothing what so ever to do with nature. very creative. i love the way the words roll. i loved the imagery. almost perfection!!!!!!!


  • 15 years ago

    by Faithless

    A ripple in the water,
    Distortion of a placid peace,
    Disturbance of serenity,
    No longer stable or complete.

    ^^ What a great opening, I love the metaphor
    that you used... It only takes one person
    to cause a stir, in still fear of it surrounding
    and causing chaos to a peaceful surrounding

    One ripple causes another,
    Spreading its tainted chaos,
    Until all the stillness it had is lost,
    Left without recovery for what was caused.

    ^^ I love what you have portrayed here,
    i interprete this as a bomb goes off
    causing mass destruction

    The entire surface was affected,
    The tranquility can never be the same,
    For what was done-who holds the blame,
    The first drop or all the rain?

    ^^ Here it depicts that everyone despite
    whether they are hurt or not was affected.
    After all the dust has settle people will still
    be a little paranoid.
    The last line, i ineterprete it as:
    The blame should be place upon the bomber
    or the society that cause the bomber to bomb the place?

    Well what a wonderful Job.I must say that
    you are very creative with your ideas and words.
    This poem enables me to read between the lines and enables me to visualize the story that you tried to portray

    Excellent Job
    5/5 from me