Comments : Beloved He, Biased She

  • 15 years ago

    by Goodbye

    I see this poem as a scream...It screams justice... It shouts how unfair world treats women in some countries.

    Although in west they teach at schools boys are girls are equal I can see the difference how they treat boys. I think many mothers spoil their sons. Boys are described as intelligent, strong etc. They are forgiven if they are wild and naughty. "Boys are boys". What this proverb tell us. Can this sentence explain itself?

    Parents always see sons will have a good career. Woman are expected to focuss on family. Some people even think woman is not a woman unless she borns a baby.

    The poem has a beautiful structure. The subject of poem is good. The poem has a meaning. You have put a lot of thoughts and emotions in this poem.

    Wonderful job. I love you girl.

  • 15 years ago

    by Boy

    A real true image i felt in ur this poem... great work

  • 15 years ago

    by Goth marionette

    The poem shows how much u suffer from being treated badly or as an inferior creature ...It really hurts so much..but sure someday this injustice will end..
    Good job..keep it up:)..

  • 15 years ago

    by InvisiblyHeartless

    This was reall unique. It shows light on the way things work in the world. I hear the shout for justice deep within the heart of this. You put amazing words into this. I loved the way you say justice for women. this piece has wonderful structure. I agree to the subject, a sad and pitiful story this tells.
    Beautiful job!!


  • 15 years ago

    by Cindy

    RL....another wonderful piece from you :)

    He will become a Doctor
    or an Engineer someday
    She will be married to
    a trader with no delay

    It is so sad the way some countries still view the differences in the sexes. Here where I'm from we encourage our daugters, nieces, grand-daughters to presue their dreams...and become what ever they wish.

    She echoes the story
    Of million deprived girls
    Buried by the biasing
    Before their future unfurls.

    This is so heartbreaking. Hopefully societies will soon change. You did a wonderful job bringing this to light.

  • 15 years ago

    by Prasad Baadkar

    That was so nice

  • 15 years ago

    by Lizaveta

    The problem was kinda new for me, i mean thare aen't many poems on this issue. and this is what makes your poem outstanding. the way you contrast lies is flawless...
    great job

  • Another good write. It made me sad, but that's a good thing because I feel the emotions your are trying to portray.

    He will become a Doctor
    or an Engineer someday
    She will be married to
    a trader with no delay
    *For some reason I think this stanza help set the meaning of your poem in stone.

    It as well has a good flow and structure.

    Well done

  • 15 years ago

    by Sourav

    I think this poem is little irrelevant to this era. Although there was a time when our society is used to be like that. But as a poem I feel you've written it very well. The message you wanted to give is very much clear and to the point. Nice work.

  • 15 years ago

    by Mr. Darcy

    Great title - Beloved he, biased she.

    "A Fault of past life!
    A curse in our home!"
    She quietly listen to
    Foul screamed by her mom
    ^ This suggest 'arranged marriage' being brought up in a society, specifically a home where the female is still second class.

    He is the family heir
    The apple of their eye
    Showered with excess Love
    Miserably, she watches by
    ^An understandable jealousy rising here. Also, a sense of powerlessness.

    Spends morning in school
    He plays with dad at night
    Swabing scrubbing her homework
    She cries in flickering light
    ^Such loneliness portrayed here. The flickering light suggesting abandonment, or at least the feeling of it. Flickering, weak feelings, if you like? Envy too at a sibling, a male sibling getting the love you crave so much.

    He will become a Doctor
    or an Engineer someday
    She will be married to
    a trader with no delay
    ^His future is free to become a king if he wishes. In contrast your future mapped out by others. Your future choices are stolen. A sense of time running out!!

    She echoes the story
    Of million deprived girls
    Buried by the biasing
    Before their future unfurls.
    ^This last stanza summarises the arranged marriage debate. Women/ girls raped of their potential achievements.

    A great write about a issue which still effects so many across the world. I feel that civilised society should not condone such draconian acts.

    Well done


  • 15 years ago

    by End Of Eternity

    This is an awesome poem with a great theme. Right from the title this poem holds every reader with a heart to the edge. Great selection of words.

    With your poetry you seems to be on a some sort of mission and i will you all the best

    Superb writing, take care

  • 15 years ago

    by sweet escape

    I dont really understand wht is going on here in this poem but i like the words used and the flow of it.