Comments : Arise Fair Maiden of the Dark

  • 15 years ago

    by BrokenREALiTy

    `First stanza: Beautiful opening. I interpreted this as her nightmares and her fears being her hells. She lost a love, and now they've come alive--but unlike those who cry and merely give up, she needs to stand up to take it, accept it, get over and move on stronger than everybody else. But the pain is so deep, that it keeps her awake at night with thoughts of him, and the emotional stress is just killing her.

    Why is it that her heart always survives?
    `A strong repeated line. Absolutely brilliant. It shows that no matter what you do, you will ALWAYS stay alive. Your heart will continue to thrive, so you might as well do what's better for you rather than live in the past.

    `believe* typo.

    `I think you meant "naive."

    `Third stanza: The "damn" which is normally considered a curse word, is extremely powerful. It emphasizes the fact that he doesn't care -- and I'm assuming the devil are her memories, and the boy that thrashed her soul. Your ending line shines light upon the darkness of the piece.

    And your final stanza, is a great end to the piece. She's walking in a shadow, but she's getting through it. I imagine her walking on glass and ashes--but nonetheless, the rising tide will wipe the stains away and her will will never die.

    Lovely write, dear.