Comments : Cold, Lonely Road

  • 15 years ago

    by Courageous Dreamer

    "It's dirty and it's trashed
    with all the beer bottles and cans.
    That's where the beauty comes from
    the bums holding out their hands."
    -I love how you went on to describe this "cold, lonely road." It really gives the audience [the readers] a clear picture in their mind instead of having to infer.

    "It's dark and it's damp
    and the smell is graveolent."
    -Oh, excellent word. Graveolent. Probably meaning not a very pleasent smell. :]

    "They'll never judge you here
    on the road of deadly disease.
    You're welcomed with open arms
    and you'll always feel at ease."
    -I loved this stanza. I began reading the poem thinking this poem was one of the worst roads that someone could live on, but there are also good things about it.. nobody is judged and all are welcomed. (:

    "I promise you'll be fine
    on this dirty but safe road.
    It's scattered with garbage
    because the trash cans are overflowed."
    -I liked this stanza.. it sort of summarized everything I've read thus far in this poem.

    "This cold, lonely road
    is the place that I stroll.
    It's my only peace
    in this hell hole."
    -Well done. Great repitition. (:

    Overall, a really good poem. Such a dark poem, but it is overall a very good poem and you get the feeling of how terrible this road can be like dirty wise, but the people are welcoming and don't judge you. Great job. This poem was very well written and had a nice touch of word-choice that was amazing. *5/5*

  • 15 years ago

    by Blissful

    Very descriptive and I could imagine everything you described because you did it in such great detail. The short stanzas resulted in a good flow and the meaning behind your words was easy to understand. It might have been simple in wording but you got what you wanted to say across nicely which is good to see. Your imagery is what made this poem wonderful for me because I felt as if I was there with you walking alongside this road.

    Well done *5/5*