Comments : Why Did You Leave? (Shakespearian Sonnet written in Iambic Penta

  • Did you forget your last two lines? A sonnet has fourteen lines, yours had twelve. Plus the fifth line was too short to be iambic pentameter. On the whole it was good though. Its just that I didn't give it full points because you said it was supposed to be a sonnet. Good job anyway, keep up the good work.

  • 20 years ago

    by My Obsεssion

    Oh yea crud, it cut off my last 2 lines..i didnt even notice *blushes* I will have to fix that now, thanks!

  • 20 years ago

    by My Obsεssion

    K its all fixed up, it now has an ending lol :) I still feel dumb though *blushes again*