Comments : I Drop Ten IQ Points Every Time I'm With You

  • 15 years ago

    by Courageous Dreamer

    ``Okay, darling. I've been waiting like so long for your 200th poem. I'm hoping this is as good as all your other poems. :]

    ``Title: I loved it. It was very unique and it made me laugh for some reason. It's cute.

    ``First stanza:
    - - You did a excellent job here in my opinion. This stanza was a great opening, it basically described the fun things that you two do together as friends. I loved the excellent vocabulary you used. You made this opening stanza very interesting and caught the reader's attention. Flow is very amazing and smooth thus far.

    ``Second Stanza:
    I loved the first line.. how you said that you are the two halves that contridict one another but keep eachother whole. This is awesome. Someone who you have such a strong friendship with and yet you keep learning new things from one another. You are two different people but all in all you are eachother's best friend.. and "other half."

    ``Third stanza:
    - - Loved it. It basically described what friends do. We chat all the time about the most useless things but yet we enjoy eachother's company and there's nobody else we want to spend time with but them.. because they are close to us.

    ``Fourth stanza:
    "[[ We're the violent skirts that seem insane and are the Devil's Own,
    obsessed with skulls and stuffing sushi down our throats. ]]"
    ``This was a really unique way of describing who you two are and that you have a goofy side to you. This blew me away. Great ending. It summed it all up perfectly and very uniquely as well. (:

    ``I know which contest this was for, and you did a wonderful job on it. Overall, this poem was great. What a wonderful dedication to a friend who means a lot to you. Title, just totally grabbed my attention and I loved it dearly. Wonderful write. Congrats on your 200th poem, hun. Hope there are many more to come. (: 5/5