Comments : A Love Letter

  • 15 years ago

    by Empathy

    A very sweet love poem. I liked some of your word choices, and how you kept the tone of your poem consistent with the mood. The feelings that you've displayed with this poem come across very powerful and clear. Great work.

  • 15 years ago

    by Courageous Dreamer

    This was so beautiful. I've been going through kind of the same thing.. I know how it feels to be distant from someone who you have very genuine and true feelings for, but the distance is just the only thing that keeps you apart. You love this person with all your heart and they are so kind and there for you through everything, but the distance is what keeps you apart. But the future is always ahead and something great may happen in the future. You wish more than anything for the dream to come true and turn into reality someday in the future. Totally related to this poem.. I love how all your love poems I have some connection to. They are so fun to read. Truly a outstanding write, my dear. (: Keep it up. This was flawless. 5/5.