Comments : Depths Of Eternity

  • 15 years ago

    by NightKeeper

    I could almost relate to how you feel. You expressed your feelings very well. You got the point across nicely. I do hope everything works out for you someday. Thank you very much for commenting on my poem I just thought I'd return the favor.


  • 15 years ago

    by HvN

    So sad, great job!


    keep up the good work :]

  • 15 years ago

    by Ezzey

    It got me speechless ,,,Words cannot express how much i am touched by this poem!
    god bless this heart you have ,, please take a good care of it ,it is a treasure ..

    I know my heart is strong. But my love I have for people, is deep. Deep enough to battle the demons within me and make it to the end. I just don't know how right now. And Im desperately trying to get there. Somehow. Someway. I will.
    I'll gather the love that's within my heart, and take it with me. To the depths of eternity.

    god bless your heart <