Comments : Brits Abroad!

  • 15 years ago

    by Ed or Ian Henderson

    Speaking as an English fan of "foreign muck" who always makes a point of learning "thank you" in the dominant language of wherever I am, I have to say this is just plain beautiful. This was like reading about our Greece-visiting neighbours who were disgusted to find that Eastenders is dubbed and not subtitled over there...

  • 15 years ago

    by Ray Smallshaw

    I totally agree with you poem, having had a great holiday in Turkey which was only spoilt by rude and ignorant none locals causing trouble.
    Bacon is not a popular foodstuff in a Muslim country so I steered away from offending by eating Turkish food which was excellent.
    A beautifully put together poem by someone who knows how to write a poem with meaning and style. 5/5 Ray