Comments : If I Never See Your Face Again

  • 15 years ago

    by Sole

    Aww, wow, such a cute poem, so much meaning and depth, it reall felt like it came from your heart. The poem didn't start so amazingly, but just got better and better, and the last stanza was superb. I loved this poem, so, so much. Great work.

    Sole x

  • 15 years ago

    by Weeping Wolf

    Hey rainy!

    I know its been a really long time sis, and I'm sorry. My life has been incredibly busy, we'll catch up later on myspace. I just wanted to say, Wow, what a powerful poem, hte last stanza really packs a punch. I know you won't forget him, I know, I've been there. heh.
    <333 Wolfy